Wednesday, May 19, 2010

4-15-2010 All of Lower & Upper Ajax


  1. Look around to see what Nature itself has formed! Nature makes patterns rather than designs.Nature itself is the Primary Cause as being the seat of all causation,revealng teleonomy- no planned outcomes,folks!
    For me, it gave a defective cortex, hardly the effect of design!
    What do you think aboutall this?
    Any nice pictures?

  2. With my friend, Daivd Ramsay Steele, I query why wouldn't God have made us with free will and a guarantee not to do wrong as that is what occurs in Heaven.
    No, there is no need for free will for soul-making! Millions of babies don't have to ever undergo tests to show their spiritual growth. That requirement for soul-making is such an ignoratio elenchi- irrelevant- and a red herring!
    No rational being demands worship and consequently wouldn't put the John Hick's fence of epistemic distance to make for ambiquity to find Him as though people could find Him through that ambiquity as people see the old woman or the young one or the rabbit or the chicken in those ambiguous drawings. We naturalists find only one picture-Nature.
    John L.Schellenberg finds that ambiguity as the hiddenness argument: He hides HImself so well that why,there is no there there1 And Theodore Drange finds it to be part of the argument from non-belief.
    We are not His clay,and He is not our potter to do with us as it pleases His simple subjectivism1
    Were He, Allah or Yeshua, He'd be such a monster!
    Teleonomy evidences through evolution why evils happen.
    He is such a riot that people fall for this scam of the eons!

  3. Folks, why do you think that behind science lies intent when science shows no such thing as the atelic or teleonomic argument notes, as the original Thales and Strato of Lampascus,second in line after his teacher Aristotle in the Peripatetic Academy,disagreeing with Aristotle in not finding any intent behind natural causes.
    Both Thales of Miletus and Strato upheld the presumption of naturalism that not only are natural causes efficient and necessary but also primary and sufficient: contrary to Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, they are the sufficient reason. They aren't secondary causes under a Primary Cause!
    This neither begs the question nor sandbags supernaturalists and their fellow superstitious, paranormalists but merely calls for evidence as Einstein did versus Newton.
    Since God cannot use intent to overcome natural causes and He depends on the law of causality, therefore, He cannot be the Primary Cause! Therefore, He does not have this referent and those of Grand Miracle Monge,Grand Designer, Grand Actor in history and so forth and therefore, also having incoherent,contradictory attributes,we ignostics [igtheists] find that He cannot exist any more than a square circle or married bachelor!
    Ontological naturalism encourages us all to require evidence and rely on natural causes rather than paranormal or supernatural ones in order to lead that more abundant life!
    Folks, what have y'all to state about naturalism versus " The Transcendental Temptation" as Paul Kurtz calls the paranormal and the supernatural.
    I daresay that had Europeans followed Thales and Strato, we'd centuries ago had that more abudandt life!
    In " The Christian Delusion," my friend Richard Carrier eviscerates the tall tale that Christtianity led us to science!
    ' God is no more useful than a rabbit's foot." Carneades of Ga.

  4. What do you opine about naturalism and supernaturalism and the occult?
    Do you agree with Thales and Strato leave the supernatural aside and thus evolution creation or creation eolution is thus obscurantis?
    thales knew that the world is not full of gods,contrary to that assertion.
    Do you think that you can affirm or deny Thales's point that no God is behind nature. Poseidon and Thor have nothing to do with the weather1 Demons have nothing to do with my schizotypy!
    It is superstition to find Him behind naural causes.
    Then again, I might err!

  5. We naturalists know there exist other rational forms of inquiry other than science: the term scientistic -that science is the only way is null for us. However, the other ways must be naturalistic per the presumption of naturalism. Haughty John Haught contemns us for note adhering to other venues of seeking-enlightenment but he thereby begs the question of those other venues and does not offer any valid ones. Unconfirmed intuitions, revelations and any other religious experience do not count!
    The presumptions of empiricism,humanism,naturalism, rationalism and skepticism lead to that more abundant life on which supernaturalism is parasitic, adding nothing but obscurantism as the atelic argument implies.
    Yes, Existence itself has no purpose but that does not lead to the non sequitur that we have no purposes as we are our own purposes! No divine love and purpose and the future state can add to our own purposes and human love and this Sally Field life!
    Lo, how supernaturalists whine about our lack of divine purpose1 Again, we aren't for the divine potter for His ends!
    Ti's not His will for us but our own that significantly counts per our autonomy as the argument from autonomy notes against the argument from divine gift of rights, which affirms that if the state gives us right, it can revoke them whilst if it's He who grants them, they are indeed inalienable. No, ti's our level of consciousness as the UN Declaration of Rights affirms in accordance with my " cousin" Morgan's Canon[Google that,please]. In line with that canon, I hope that others will support the Great Ape Project to obtain more protections for our fellow great apes.
    Naturalism affirms not only our rights but the protection of other animals. The supernaturalist rant that our naturalism implies that we are just animals, insults us and the other animals! Monkeys and the other apes display a form of empathy- basic morality- that in us is even more so! Yes, sociopaths and immature minds cannot fathom humanism.
    The presumption of humanism next time arrives here.

  6. Covenant morality for humanity- the presumption of humanism notes that our evolved moral sense makes for objective morality, yet subjectism underpins this morality,paradoxically.
